What the heck with the challenges?

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I am a pretty down-to-earth person who loves challenges!

I am also a person who loves doing things together with others.

I have this idea that we can challenge each other and at the same time support & inspire each other on our journeys of bringing more meaning into our lives.


What does it mean in practice?

I have established a private Facebook group where periodically I run a challenge on a specific topic.

1. I introduce you to the concept and the type of methods we will use in a video,

2. Then, we “test drive” it for 10 days

3. We keep each other accountable, motivated, and we share our learnings.

4. After the challenge is completed, I’ll write an article about the method, the experience, and the learnings (or one of you does!)

5. And then… we pass it on to the world to inspire more people!


We are about to start the new Challenge:

“10 Days Inner-Detective Challenge”!

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It is a great method for:

  • Discovering what brings you joy and what kills your sparkle

  • Expanding your self-awareness

  • Finding the answers in regards to where you should take your career

  • Figuring out what’s your passion

  • Taking the first steps to discover or align with your life purpose