How TWO Martas Became One

There are two very different Martas…

There are two very different Martas…

See, there are Two Martas…

Marta who is a doer and an achiever. One that is a high-performer in a corporate environment. One that can pull off achieving career goals, while managing a large family and continually learning and developing competencies. One that has a damn good plan for the future and successfully ticks off items on her list. One that knows how to motivate people to work together towards a common goal.


And there’s the other Marta. One that knows how to listen to her heart. One that does what she feels like doing. One that can relax, be joyfully here and now. One that can access the wisdom and intuition to guide others. One that can connect with people and facilitate their inner-work on a deeper level.

The problem was that I considered the first Marta as the powerful one. The other Marta was “the weak one” in my own eyes. So I did what I thought was best and tried to keep her quiet.

…they learn how to like each other…

…they learn how to like each other…

You see, the high-performer, “successful” Marta could achieve any goal she set out for herself but she wasn’t feeling happy once the objectives were met. Anxious and always longing for something more, she was unable to figure out where to go, as she accidentally put her inner-compass - The Other Marta - in silent mode…

Luckily she was tipped off by the wise people she met,


that she can enable the second half of herself at any point of time. She just needs to invite herself back.

So, I embarked on a journey of self- discovery. It’s been like getting to know a part of me that was unknown, yet familiar. I begun to embrace the softness, the love, the compassion. I finally began to integrate.

… and integrate into one whole person.

… and integrate into one whole person.

As I started to discover mindfulness and spirituality, many concepts felt inaccessible for me and in some way “too far out there”, which would often wake my inner-sceptic up.

I could sense that there is something bigger than us, but the message was often too abstract or radical for me.

I started to deep dive into possible ways of bringing the pragmatic side together


with the wise, intuitive side and connected it with what I discovered to be my life purpose.

I studied and practiced coaching, conscious healing, mindfulness, NLP and tried numerous tools, methods and practices out.

Finally, the time to pass on what I’ve learned has come.

This is how Reach Far More and Spirituality for Down-to-Earth People were born.